Lambda Classical Caucus
A Coalition of Queer Classicists and Allies |
DISCUSSION LIST Our email discussion list provides a space for LCC members to distribute information, network, and spread awareness about political issues and academic opportunities. Upon joining, members are invited to participate and can access archives through a password-protected subscription page. We expect all participants to follow this policy: To foster an effective, inclusive dialogue, we require all participants to refrain from any behavior that contributes to a hostile, intimidating, and/or unwelcoming environment. We specifically prohibit derogatory or sarcastic comments and jokes that marginalize individuals or groups based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender expression, gender identity, institutional affiliation, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or other category. Such conduct is harmful, disrespectful, and unprofessional. Questions about posting to the list or managing subscriptions can be sent to the list moderator at |
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